DS106DC 5

I actually really liked this Daily Create today. I tried out the poem creator they linked, but I did not like how it worked. So, I was somehow able to write it on my own. I’m surprisingly proud of the haiku that I wrote. It’s not the most creative, poetic, or interesting haiku that has ever been written; however, it has 5,7,5 syllables, following all the rules to a haiku. And yes, I have counted these syllables out loud multiple multiple multiple times. I love hiking so I chose to make my haiku about it, incorporating the prompt at the same time. It also describes a sort of feeling that you understand if you have been on an early morning hike. You hear the birds chirping in the trees, the bushes rustling, and you feel just pure happiness in that moment. I’m happy I could share that happiness with this Daily Create.


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