QCQ for _(name the video) – Everything is a Remix
Quotation (with page number or paragraph number or time-stamp if video/audio)
“Creation Requires Influence”
Comment (250-500 words)
This specific quotation made me think of an age-old question that people have been debating for what seems to be forever: “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” In this instance of remixing, insinuating that everything is a remix suggests that essentially nothing is original. This begs the question of was there one original thing that everything has derived off of or did entertainment just kind of happen?
Does this suggest that everything is connected? Making it that a jester for the King’s court one day influenced Twilight? It surely is something that is interesting to think about how everything is connected. The video then begins to discuss how even familiar inventions are inspired by previous work. Which gauges the thought that everything in the world is connected. I took a class last year where we discussed the universe in great detail. In these discussions, a huge topic was that of connection and relations. Since the Big Bang, everything that has come to be can link back to that singular occurrence. Atoms from that explosion are embedded in our genome and the genome of every other living thing on Earth. The atoms from the Big Bang are in the keyboard that I’m typing this QCQ with. Every time I breathe, I’m breathing out the most microscopic particles of the whole universe in every point in time.
I’m getting way too deep into this, so I will depart from this rambling, but my point is that I see how creation requires influence. It always has. It always will.
This video is even connected to Malcom Gladwell!
Did this video make you as uneasy as it made me? I apparently don’t like thinking about things too deeply I guess.